Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Guaranteed Success!

The three brokers that offer Hort Couture® are offering a money back guarantee on both liners and finished plants for Spring 2010.

If you do not recoup the cost of the plants, we will
refund the difference!

“This gives the grower or retailer the opportunity to purchase Hort Couture with little risk of not succeeding with this exciting new product line. We all realize that this is a weird time in the economy and we want companies to experience the opportunity that Hort Couture offers the industry.”

This statement comes from Eason Horticultural, Fred C. Gloeckner Co. and McHutchison. The program details are available from these companies or their national network of over 90 combined sales representatives.

The joint effort of these brokerage companies to promote the Hort Couture brand is an unprecedented concept in the floriculture industry. This guarantee is a way to show the combined confidence that all of the partners in the Hort Couture alliance have in these plants and products.

With liners from such fine companies as Raker Greenhouses and Euro American Propagators and finished plants from numerous growers across North America, the accessibility of Hort Couture products is greater than ever.

According to Jim Monroe, CEO of Hort Couture,

“We want IGC’s and growers to get behind our brand to make it the leading choice for those companies that are impassioned to see the independent sector of our industry thrive. This guarantee makes getting involved in Hort Couture stress free.”

Hort Couture is the only young plant company with flowering annual genetics that are exclusive to the independent channel of our industry.

For more information on any of the exciting new plants from HORT COUTURE™, please call us at 866.955.HORT or visit our website at www.hortcoutureplants.com.

Hort Couture™ combines the world’s finest plants with sophisticated marketing programs creating an upscale brand for independent garden retailers.

Also visit the websites for the brokerage companies at:

www.EHRNET.com for Eason Horticultural
www.MCHUTCHISON.com for McHutchison Inc.
www.FREDGLOECKNER.com for Fred C. Gloeckner Co.

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