Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Culinary Couture Seeds Ready to Ship

The new Culinary Couture Seed Collection is getting all packaged up and ready to head out to garden centers after the first of the year. We like to call this collection "Heirloom meets Gen X".

Although many of the varieties are classic old European varieties, the packaging and approach makes them seem brand new. To the young consumers that are entering your stores looking for sustainable products, they truly are new!

We have some awesome tomatoes in the seed collection. Green Zebra, Cream Sausage, Purple Russian and Pink Accordian are among our personal favorites.
There are also great melons, unique peppers and maybe the finest mixes of salad greens in the industry. The Culinary Couture mix is very chic.
With the increased interest in home gardening and sustainability, the timing of this is perfect and the packaging makes it exciting and fun. Who said gardening had to look boring!
We are looking forward to expanding our seed offering in the future to include unique flowers and other cool plants. We hope you will give the seeds a try, the minimum is low and the rack display is a good value.
We will have the display at several trade shows this winter for you to see first hand. We only have a limited number of displays for this first year so don't wait too long.


Dana Frigerio said...

wow you had a wonderful idea ... very fashion ..
I published on my blog

LinerGrower said...

I love the idea!! Just bought some and was talking about it on my blog. Did a search on your site to make sure I had the correct names and stumbled on the Blog. I am growing a Heirloom Tomato garden I already have so many plants but I could not resist some of the seeds I found from you at a local retailer, I think I bought one of each!